Sterling Web Forms
IBM® Sterling Web Forms è una soluzione innovativa che consente di condurre attività aziendali in modo sicuro su Internet.  È possibile accedere a Sterling Web Forms ed elaborare i documenti aziendali dai partner aziendali con un nome utente e una password che danno accesso alla casella di posta personale.  Si riceverà una segnalazione tramite e-mail dell'arrivo di nuovi documenti.   altro>>
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Politica sulla privacy | Termini di utilizzo IBM®

Special Notice:
The IBM Sterling Web Forms (the "Network") is not designed to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA") or any other law or regulation, unless explicitly set forth in a valid written contract signed by an authorized representative of IBM.   Customer is responsible for complying with laws, rules and regulations that may be applicable to Customer's use of the Network. Specifically, Customer understands and agrees not to use or allow the Network to be used for the transmission or storage of any personal or individually identifiable health information ("PHI"), such as an individual's health condition, the provision of health care to an individual or payment for the provision of health care to an individual.   Accessing the Network indicates your acceptance of the foregoing terms.   If you believe you are sending PHI over the Network, please contact webforms_support@us.ibm.com, or open a ticket through the support portal, immediately to discuss the situation.

Materiali su licenza - Proprietà di IBM
 IBM Sterling Web Forms
 © Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2024 Tutti i diritti riservati.
IBM e il logo IBM sono marchi di International Business Machines